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The basic paste printing technology, only boring gum solidified fabric paint.

Source: Time:2013-05-04 15:55:57 views:

The basic water paste printing technology, only boring gum solidified fabric paint. Mortar printing technology uses a special chemical gel stain highly blended seamlessly. (Printing paste) dye gel medium effect, strong adhesion, fabric, printing paste technology to overcome the limitations of water paste printing. Its characteristics are accustomed to a wide variety of color depth and raw materials, printing, printed on cotton, linen, rayon, polyester, nylon, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride fibers and fiber blended fabric, leather, leather, printing, fluorescent printing, inkjet printing, orchids printing, electrostatic flocking printing technology. The biggest advantage of glue printing technology is widely used, beautiful colors, high recovery, but it is a relatively water slurry printing technology printing technology is confusing, the cost is relatively high. Its characteristics are: You can only print one color, dull colors if you want to print the second color, before the front; demand for the manufacture of printing plates; usually can not use four-color printing color photographs; mortar can also be Print opaque printing paste in the dark fabric light of the screen, poor permeability; non-washable photos easy to fall, especially synthetic fabrics, printing market, the most common use more plastic coated T-shirt printing.

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